August 21, 2003
As we wait on the fate of Margarita, let's do something different. My good friends, Morgan and Shrimp, came to visit yesterday. They're moving away on Saturday, to California. They were never the best of friends, but we sure did have fun together. We wouldn't have seen eachother very often, 'cause they were going to a different high-school, anyway. But it kinda hits you hard when they actually MOVE hundreds of miles away. Bummer, dude. My best friends moved away 4 years ago. That was extreamly hard on me. Them, too. But, life is usually good. I'm happy at where I am.
Today, school starts for my sister, and I start on Friday (tomorrow). I'm not excited. I love the summer. I went to visit my old teachers yesterday, from middle school. They seem really good. I wish I was in middle school. Those years were really reallly really fun for me. Well, I have to go take a shower, we're going out for a before-school-starts dinner. Over and out!

** humming my own little tune at 9:28:00 AM




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