August 26, 2003
Finally, Margarita asked a wise man who made flannel bowls what she should do. The man looked at her for a few seconds and then said in a whisper "Go West, Young Man!" Margarita looked at him for a second, wondering if she should point out the she was a girl. Deciding she should just leave, she did. She told her parents what the old man had said, and her parents took it to heart. They left their "parents" and headed west. The only way they could do it was in a covered wagon. As cars passed them on the interstates, people would throw them money, because, if one is travelling on a highway in a covered wagon, it is either Frontiersman Day, or you need some money, FAST. However, because Ricardo did not know this tradition, he assumed that the people were just being nice.

** humming my own little tune at 8:10:00 PM




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