August 29, 2003
HI! I'm a school right now. I'm not sure if blogging is allowed during school hours because they banned email this year. Bummer, dude. Oh well. Less time on the internet is a good thing, I guess. I wonder wonder wonder, what's in a wonder ball! actually, I wonder what we're going to do in PE today, because I hope it's not running. I guess I don't mind running too much. I didn't really mind the block schedule we had Wed. and Thrus. either, although a lot of people did. I think that my middle school prepared me for note-taking, just 'cause I can sit and take notes for a lot longer than most people in my other classes. It's interesting, because I don't think of my middle school as a 'note-taking' school, more of a hands-on school. Oh well. Maybe it's just me. I'll talk to you later!

** humming my own little tune at 8:09:00 AM




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