August 17, 2003
I'm enjoying all my font colors, aren't you? Well, for the amusement of my 'friend', let's call her 'Margarita', I have decided to write 'Margarita's' life for all of you. Perhaps this wil persuade her to tell me her blog address, because, it's very annoying for her not to telll me. ARGGGG. Well, here it goes.
Margarita was born in Sweden (or was it Denmark, huh. No te recordo) Anyway, after several years of bad farming, Margarita's father, let's call him Ricardo, told his family "I'm tired of living-off three year old cucumbers! Let's go to America!" Her mother, let's call her 'Ruth', then broke into song.

I like to be in America!
Okay by me in America!
Everything free in America
For a small fee in America
Of course, this was all in an Puerto Rican accent. Si Si!
So Margarita's family traveled across Europe, and then across Asia, (because Ricardo LOVED sight-seeing), and then traveled across The Pacific Ocean. Through all this, the only thing Margarita did, was read. That's how she's so smart.

Will Ricardo and Ruth and Margarita enjoy their new life in California? Will Margarita get to be on "The Smartest Kids in America" TV show? Will Ricardo truly give up old cucumbers? Join us next time for Margarita's LIFE.

** humming my own little tune at 5:25:00 PM




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