August 24, 2003
Welcome to the Kristen Network of random things and 'entertaining' tales. Now we are back with Margarita's Life. As very few of you took the poll, it is hard to bring those opinions into the plot-line, but I will try. On the final poll, 3 things tied. (drum roll, please) 1) Margarita will make a sandwich 2) Margarita will become obsessed with ostriches 3) Margarita will turn out to be a spy from New Zealand.
Seeing as all of these things would make PERFECT sense with the story, we'll have to change them a bit. "She will make a sandwich" is an anagram for wickedness willa ham ah Which, as any sane person would see, is ganster talk for "Wickedness will harm all". See, isn't that more fun?
The next opinion is "she will be a spy from New Zealand" which, cleary is an anagram for "Reemphasized Flannel Bowls Way" which obviously states that the street call "Flannel Bowls Way" (because of the flannel-bowl factory on that street) has been re-paved, so that people notice it. Isn't that loverly?
The final option of the three is "She will become obsessed with ostriches" which, believe it or not, is an anagram for "bellwethers bewitched sims coo shoes is". Now, that is a tricky one to decipher, but once you do, it becomes quite clear. Step by step, now. Bellwethers are sheep-herders and Sims are those nice people on the computer game. Therefore, it seems that the sheep-dudes have harmed, or bewitched, their sim-family by using voodoo, or something. Now, seeing as medieval sheep herders didn't have very good grammer, the rest of it falls into place. Obviously, Coo shoes were the popular type of shoes then, therefore they were 'is' or 'in'. It all makes perfect sense.

Join in next to find out what "Flannel Bowls Way" "Wickedness will harm all" and "computer-addicted shoe-wearing sheep herders" have to do with Margarita's Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

** humming my own little tune at 12:06:00 PM




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