September 26, 2003
Black socks they never get dirty, the longer you wear them, the blacker they get.

I always think of such good things to write about in my lovely blog, but then I forget, and it's horrible. Then, I end up rambling about random things and it's not too interesting. Did you know that the word "Rambling" or "to ramble" originated in Spain because in Barcelona there's a street called "La Rambla" which many many people "ramble" down every day. I'm not sure it that's true, but that's what those Spainards told me. CHOOSE YOUR OWN RESPONSE
1)Interesting, very interesting
2) Elementary, my dear Watson!
3)Something is rotten in the state of Denmark
4)"Black socks, they never get dirty, the longer you wear them, the blacker they get!"
That was fun, was it not?
Now, you must remember, when I use certain words, they actually mean something quite different. In this instance, "fun" means random, boring, kinda out-there, and overall idiotic. Do you now understand? If I were to use a phrase such as "Wave the sails", I might actually mean "Save the Whales" Get it now? If I were to say "Snail Tracks" I would actually be referring to "Trail Snacks"!

Those are called Spoonerisms. Very entertaining, aren't they. Well, the Time has come the Kristen Said, to write a goodbye to things. Of wishes and dishes and mobile fishes, etc. etc. etc.
Oh, everyone should visit my quiz! It's located over there <------- in the direction of the arrow.

** humming my own little tune at 5:44:00 PM




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