September 29, 2003
Hey Mr.Tally man, tally me banana
Daylight come and I wanna go home"
That's all of that song I know. It's a good song. Good points
1) It has bananna's in it
2) I can connect to it. (EX. "Daylight come and I wanna go home"- that's how I feel! I'm on the bus to school and halfway there, the sun rises and suddenly BAM! I wish I was in bed)
Isn't that exciting. Actually, school isn't that bad. It's just average. I like learning stuff, and I like seeing kids and teachers, it's just kinda annoying after a while. It's worse when no one will talk to you, really. I was pushed out of 3 conversations that I started. They were just too top secret for me, I guess. ALAS! I don't really want to know what they were about anyway. SO THERE!!!!!!!!! Sigh.
First swim practice today. It was fun- I like swimming. Practice was relatively easy, though.
Made several idiotic mistakes on my science test. I can't believe how stupid I was. It's one thing if you don't do great on a test because you don't know it- but it's a completely different thing if you know the stuff, you just make REALLY STUPID MISTAKES! ARRGGGG.
OH well. I hope that every one had a fun day. I 'did'.
** humming my own little tune at 7:12:00 PM