September 25, 2003
I must admit, the West Wing season premier was QUITE entertaining. They didn't find Zoey Bartlett, though, and tha Republican who's being president, UGGH! Que Horrible. (That means How Horrible in Spanish) Oh, thanks to Margot for commenting on my blog. It made my heart fill with joy. Everyone else should comment too. That would make my heart fill will joy exponentally. Tath's speelled rong, ain't it? That's okay. Spelling does not make the world go around, and grammer, verb tenses, puncutation, winking, mosquitos, frogs, and lollipops share that property with spelling. THIS JUST IN! Actually, frog's do make the world go round, They have a secret organization that is closely linked with the Sons of Liberty. I never would have guessed.... Okay, I think it's time to stop scaring the world. Poor President Bush is probably realizing that this fact is why he hasn't seen too many frogs recently. Then again, it could have been that order he made to blow up all frog communities. Who knows? That's all for now, folks!
** humming my own little tune at 5:45:00 PM