September 28, 2003
I'd fill my yard with chicks and turkeys and geese
And ducks for the town to see and hear,
Squawking just as noisily as they can,
And each loud "pa-pa-geeee! pa-pa-gack! pa-pa-geeee! pa-pa-gaack!"
Would land like a trumpet on the ear,
As if to say, "Here lives a wealthy man."

Fiddler on the Roof. Good musical, that. I saw it at the Dinner Theater a while ago. That was my favorite musical I've seen there.
There's a cold going around Fairview. I already had it, but there are a lot of people getting sick. And then on Friday everyone I talked to had multiple tests- I had three IN A ROW!. Every one was very stressed out. It bothered me, because Fridays are usually nice and happy and everyone is cheerful, but LAST Friday, that was craziness. Of course, what can one expect? I wish the teachers would figure out a way to space out their tests a bit. That would be much more helpful. Then we wouldn't have sick kids all stressed out and getting themselves more sick. Alas, I cannot aid this matter, for my influence is too small. And if I mention it, most teachers think I'm just complaining. WHICH I'M NOT!

** humming my own little tune at 8:44:00 AM




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