September 12, 2003
My grandparents just came in. It's very good their here, I guess. I like seeing them. Just sometimes my dad rolls his eyes at Grandma, who rolls her eyes back, then Dad sighs loudly, and then Grandma gets all defensive. It makes me kinda sad. Oh Well. They were just in Santa Fe. Our house was kinda a last-stop on their road trip. Grandpa told this story about how an Native American boy gave him a rock. Grandpa asked the kid's father if the softball-sized-rock was worth anything, and the guy said "It'd be great to throw at a windshield." HAHAHAHAHAHAH I thought that was funny.
Margo and I went to our elementary school this afternoon. It was very fun. We saw our 1st grade teacher, who I think is still on of the best teacher's I've ever had. We were wondering how many other kids visit their elementary school when they're in high school. A very low percentage, if you ask me. I was kinda scared walking through the empty hallways of my elementary school. Everything looked so much smaller, and I was afraid I'd hurt something if I touched it. But it was nerve-wracking in a good way. Our 1st grade teacher seems very good. I wish I would see her more often. All my previous teachers always tell me to to visit whenever I would like, but I think I'd visit way more than they would want me to, if I had the time. AHH well.
I'm going to go watch Nicolas Nicklebey. I think that's spelled wrong.

** humming my own little tune at 9:12:00 PM




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