September 19, 2003
Oh the hills are alive, with the sound of music. A song they have sung for a thousand years... etc. etc. etc. SO! The date is Friday the 19th of September. I don't have any school. Teacher inservice, you know. I wonder how much work they get done on teacher inservice days. I don't remember any teacher handing back a huge assignment the day after an inservice. I guess they just go to meetings. Or, they could still be like kids, have a large amount of time but still only get done a regular amount of work. That would make sense, I guess, but I always thought that grown-ups were more motivated than kids. Okay, motivated's the wrong word. They're more, umm, LESS proctrastinators. But, then again, I am kinda an adult, kinda, not really though. I don't think that I act like an adult, but I'm closer to being one than ever. Curious and curiouser. I was watching West Wing this morning. They play reruns on Bravo every night at 9:00, so I tape them (along with 2 episodes of Star Trek: TNG) Anyway, this one (What kind of day has it been) was the season finale for season 1 or 2, I don't know, was really good, but (as most season finales are) it was a leave-hanging type. So, now I am searching the internet to find when the next episode (In the Shadow of Two Gunmen) will air. Luckily, I only have to wait until Monday. *sigh*However, talking about these West Wing matters made me think of a fun website Read it carefully. It was on a forward a few months ago. But it's still funny. Funny Funny Funny Oh, take my quiz.
** humming my own little tune at 9:28:00 AM