September 07, 2003
So, I was reading "Through the Looking Glass" lastnight after I watched "Bringing Down the House" which isn't a very good movie. In fact, it's pretty much a terrrible movie. I wouldn't recommend it. Anyway in "Through the Looking Glass" Alice is talking to Humptey Dumptey, because she was in an antique shop and wanted to buy an egg, but the store clerk (who was the transformed white Queen) wouldn't give it to Alice, and instead put it on a shelf and Alice had to get it herself. Anyway, somehow the egg grew into Humpety Dumptey. And that was that. Humptey says that "Brillig" (from the JABBERWOCKY) means the time when you cook tea (around 3 in the afternoon) and "Slithy" means slithery and scaley and "toves" means badger like creatures who have corkscrew tails and are really like armadillos, they have scaley skin. "Gyre" obviously means to go around it circles, like a gyroscope, and Humptey says the "gimble" means, oh shoot! I forget. Anyway, then Alice chips in saying that "wabe" means the place before, after, and around a sundial. Because ( I forgot to tell you) Toves live under sundials and live off cheese.

** humming my own little tune at 8:20:00 AM




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