October 22, 2003
Born on a mountain top in Tennessee
Greenest state in the land of the free
Raised in the woods so he knew every tree
Kilt him a b'ar when he was only three
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier!
Actually, it was Daniel Boone who etched "Kilt me a bar" on a tree. They said it was Davy Crockett, though. My sister has a stuffed bear named Crockett. Cute, huh? Wonder why this song is stuck in my head? Because in history we were watching a movie on the Alamo, and they said Davy Crockett was there- at the Alamo, I mean. For a while during swim practice Edelweiss was stuck in my head, but than Davy Crockett came back. Let's sum up my life currently, shall we? AH, nevermind, I'd rather type about happy things rather than messed up things. Not that MY life is messed up, just everyone else's is, and I don't know what to do to help. Sigh. Well, 'New Upodates are ready to install" on my computer. tatatatata for now.

When he come home his politiking done
The western march had just begun
So he packed his gear an' his trusty gun
And lit out grinning to follow the sun
Davy, Davy Crockett, leadin' the pioneer!

** humming my own little tune at 7:46:00 PM




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