October 17, 2003
Bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Put the chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
Them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die

I was humming that tune yesterday, or Wednesday actually, during swim practice and suddenly everyone in my lane and the lane next to me were singing it too. I didn't really know the words except for the chorus, and I didn't know that very well, either, but now I do.So, I was singing it again today. I planned to drill a tunnel through the swimming pool wall so I could escape to go watch the cross country race. Put I couldn't find a power drill for the life of me. It was most upsetting. So I ended up swimming and singing, like always. I'm not a very good singer, but I like to do it. If you didn't notice, I start all my entries with a song. I really like musicals. Sarah is going to see Chicago at the dinner theater this weekend. I wish I was going- but I've already seen it. I've also already seen all the Star Trek episodes that are playing today. Bummer, and they aren't very good either, so I won't watch them again. Alas, woe is me. Just kiding, I'm actually quite happy. =)
My, My, This here Anakin guy
May be Vader sometime later,
Now he's just a small fry.
Left his home, kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' soon I'm gonna be a Jedi
Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi

** humming my own little tune at 6:21:00 PM




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