October 16, 2003
Have you ever seen the fishies on bright and sunny day?
All the little fishies swimmin' up and down the bay
With their hands in their pockets
And their pockets in their pants
All the little fishies doin' the Hoochy Coochy dance!

That was very nice. I'm not sure if I spelled Hoochy Coochy right, but it's close. I'm feeling very goofy right now. An example (ahem!)

ME: wow- I can type I promise
Sarah: really...?
ME: NO NO! I admit it- I never passed Paws Typing Lesson Number 9 in 3rd grade. Okay? Just leave me alone.
ME: wow- say hello to my other self
Sarah: hello
ME: hahahahaha
ME: that made me laugh out loud- really, not just the fake LOL that people right when they aren't really sure if I'm typing English
Sarah: yay
ME: why are you cheering?
Sarah: cuz it makes me happy
Sarah: and laugh
ME: ohhhhhhh
ME: I now comprehend....
ME: the meaning of life.
Sarah: bye
ME: I'm not leaving- that was just my alternate personality alien guy
Sarah: oh i see
ME: he left
ME: I'm feeling a little goofy right now
Sarah: yeah u are
ME: sorry if I scared you
Sarah: you didn't

You see? I'm nuts. OH that above was an AIM conversation. Yeah. For all you stalkers out there- those aren't our screen names. I changed them because I'm clever like that. =)

** humming my own little tune at 6:27:00 PM




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