October 10, 2003
I'm gonna be the main event
Like no king was before
I'm brushing up on looking down
I'm working on my roar

After swimming we were singing in the locker room. It was quite entertaining. We went from "Hakuna-Matata" to "A Whole New World" to (you guessed it) "I Just Can't Wait To Be King!" It was very fun. NOt very many people at practice today- nope nope- only about 15.

Do you like my hot pink text? It's probably hard to read. Oh, sorry I didn't update for a while. I wasn't up for it. I watched a lot of Star Trek, though. It was very fun- "The Best of Both Worlds" is a very good episode- I recommend it. Borg are very scary. They actually have a good idea- to improve the lives of all species- but their method is kinda lacking, majorly. After all annilating humankind isn't the BEST way to go about things- if you ask me. Well- football game time. Not that I like football, or football games, really, but I go anyway. Curious.

** humming my own little tune at 6:21:00 PM




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