October 04, 2003
Long distance runner, what you standin' there for?
Get up, get out, get out of the door
Your playin' cold music on the barroom floor
Drowned in your laughter and dead to the core.
There's a dragon with matches that's loose on the town
Takes a whole pail of water just to cool him down.

That's Fire on the Mountain by the Grateful Dead. The Grateful Dead is my dad's favorite band, so we listen to them a lot. I like them, too. I went to one of their concerts last summer. Not last summer like 2 summers ago, but the summer that ended in August. Does that make sense? If you say "Last Week" on a sunday, are you talking about the week that you just finished, or the week that finished a while ago? I'm confused.... OH WELL! That happens to me a lot. And it's all okay.
I just got my ski pass for this winter. HOORAY skiing is good. I love skiing I love skiing I love skiing I love skiing. That was to the tune of " I love the Mountains". Kinda. Not really. I try, you know I do, I just happen to fail miserably most of the time. Alas, Woe is me. I want to name somebody "Woe" because then they can say "Woe is Me" all the time. And someone else should be named "Everybody" because then advertising companies could ask that person what they think, and if they liked the product they could legally say "Everybody Likes/loves/uses/recommends it!" That is a genius idea.

** humming my own little tune at 3:34:00 PM




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