October 21, 2003
Oklahoma! Where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain
And the wavin' wheat sure smells sweet
When the wind comes right behind the rain.

Yes, well, I would write about how much I want it to snow, but I've really had enough metaphors for several days. =) HAHAHA. Oh well. It's 8:10 in the morning, the sun is up, the sky is blue, and I get to go to the Health Fair next period. YEAH! At least it's not health class. I wish I could whistle. Then I would whistle and whistle and whistle. Whistle is one odd word, if you ask me. You pronounce it whissle but then you had a 'T'. Huh. I would whistle "Oklahoma" on a day like today. I also wish I could do a cartwheel. I would whistle while cartwheeling. That would be interesting....
Oklahoma, Ev'ry night my honey lamb and I
Sit alone and talk and watch a hawk
Makin' lazy circles in the sky.

** humming my own little tune at 8:05:00 AM




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