October 24, 2003
Red, yellow, green, red, blue blue blue
Red, purple, green, yellow, orange, red red
Blend them up and what do you get?
Ceries, chartreuse, and aqua
Mauve, beige, and ultra marine, and every color inbetween

I cannot decide what color my font should be today. Should it be
like apples and grapes and cold-noses? or like sunrises and fallen leaves ?(they say yellow makes you angry) Or like kiwi-middles and evergreens?Or perhaps it should be like neverending oceans and cholinated pool water. Or perhaps just purple, like eggplant (yuck!) and thunder clouds. Or orange, like pumpkins and, better yet, pumpkin pie. I have no idea what Ceries is, or even if it's spelled right. Chartreuse is a lovely color, though, don't you think? Aqua is more liked chlorinated pool water than regular blue, I guess. Mauve is purple, right? I have no idea Beige always makes me thing of carpet, and Ms. Bates, don't ask why. Ultramarine is a lot like aqua, huh? Yeah, well, I can't decide. Bummer. THANK YOU, MARGOT, FOR COMMENTING!!! PLEASE COMMENT MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE!!! thanks :-)

** humming my own little tune at 6:47:00 PM




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