November 16, 2003
Come hear Uncle John's Band playing to the tide,
Come on along, or go alone,
He's come to take his children home.
Ohh, what I want to know, how does the song go?

Those are the actual lyrics, I know how the song goes, really. That's just the lyrics to it. Bum-bum-bummmmbumbum-bumbum-bum-bumbummm. Yes. Well, that's quite a nice song. I can't believe no one has commented for nearly 2 weeks. Not that many people visit my blog besides me. Ah well, I couldn't really expect anymore, now could I?
Anyway, just to let you know there's an anomaly in the cortical stimulator that make the Heisenberg Compensators run at 56.8% of their normal KPH. This makes the Tantalus Field respond to changes in the Matter/Antimatter Reaction Chamber. "But what does it all mean?" to quote Docter Beverly Crusher. Well, only the-one-they-call-Margo would be able to understand that. OH, I made all that technobabble up- it sounds very professional, if I do say so myself!

** humming my own little tune at 4:53:00 PM




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