November 05, 2003
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good
Well, that song is annoying! it was before it was stuck in my head, and it is afterward, too. I never understood it, why did Maria think she was a "wicked child" in the first place? Yo no se! I would like to give a giant thank you to Ella for kindly singing it too me during 5th. BAH!
I do, however, have some entertaining sites everyone should visit, firstly, go meet Oliver who is a "male robot entity". Very funny, but Oliver's kinda stuck up, he thinks he's better than Data from Star Trek. HA! Ask him yourself.
Secondly you should go to Google . Not that it's really Google, but you should go there before I tell you what it really is. Uh-oh, teachers are laughing in the background. Never a good sign, if I do say so myself. I have to wait around for another hour before swim practice. Silly Sarah forgot her book, so our meeting failed. OH WELL, it could very well have happened to me.

** humming my own little tune at 3:36:00 PM




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