January 28, 2004
I've seen fire and I've seen rain
I seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I see lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I'd see you again
There's a flatiron facing Fairview that looks an awful lot like a dog howling at the moon. I have a perfect view of it, sitting here in the library. As Bert would say "Have you even seen, the grass so green? Or a bluebird sky?" It's quite a lovely day outside, but no one wanted to come enjoy it with me. It was just too cold. BAH! Too cold if you had a t-shirt and high heels on. Unfortunately, that's the current style. So me in my tennis shoes and scarf and wool coat had to enjoy by ourselves. It was sunny and crisp, like a good January day, and although the snow was already melted away from most parts of the field, and the trees were no longer dusted with snow, it was still wonderfully magical. Too bad that no longer anyone realizes it.

Swim practice is tapered for most people today. Not me, supposedly, but last week when we weren't SUPPOSED to be tappered, I was still, kinda, because it's hard to have 4/5 of the team tapered and 1/5 not. So, today won't be too hard. Hooray. I'll be sad when swimming ends. All those fabulous people who I won't have an excuse to be around anymore, and seeing them will have to be accidental. Hopefully, though, after our pancake breakfast on Saturday, we'll go play Laser Tag. I love Laser Tag. I've wanted to play it since forever, and I haven't so perhaps this weekend I will. That would make me as happy as a clam.

"It's a jolly holiday with Mary. The daffodils are smiling at the doves."

** humming my own little tune at 3:54:00 PM




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