Well I’m on my way
I don’t know where I’m going
I’m on my way I’m taking my time
But I don’t know where
Goodbye Rosie, queen of Corona
See you,
Me and Julio down by the schoolyard
That's a good song. I still haven't decided if justice is a form of revenge. I would like to thank Emily for making me think about that for about 36 hours straight, because it really isn't helping with my finals studying. However, the internal debate between myself and my otherself will continues. If, for example, you were in an underground organization dedicated to bringing down the current government, and you killed them for the crimes they did against your people. If they were really bad, like the French Revolution, in which all sorts of people were told to eat grass, but then your organization cut off the heads of countless thousands, even the distant relatives to the oppressors, then, although there is justice in killing all those people who, thanks to their ignorant stupidity, killed hundreds of thousands, it really just gets into the "revenge" catagory when you kill their relatives. Even if you personally didn't know anyone who died, people who you know know people who did, so that's still revenge. Synonyms for "revenge"- : avenge, fight back, get even, justify,settle with, square, vindicate. Justify, justice, anyone see what I'm seeing? Well, that's the daily rant, not I really have to study history. Over and Out.
** humming my own little tune at 7:32:00 PM