February 04, 2004
Fly's in the buttermilk
Shoo fly, shoo
Fly's in the buttermilk
shoo fly, shoo
Fly's in the buttermild
Shoo fly, shoo
Skip to my loo my darling

So, I didn't know what song to write, because none was stuck in my head, and then Ellen was talking about her LA teacher writing an essay about "Shut-eye", so there it came, like a wind from the east. Not that that simile made any sense. It was really funny, today in Journalism, Ilana and I started talking about gerunds and appositives, and it was quite funny, in a not-so-funny sort of way. Well, that's my story.
You know, humans are so odd. Some people change their behavior very easily, and other's say they will, and they don't at all. You just don't know what to expect. I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Now there's a story.

** humming my own little tune at 3:30:00 PM




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