March 12, 2004
"Feed the birds," that's what she cries,
While overhead, her birds fill the skies.
All around the cathedral, the saints and apostles
Look down as she sells her wares;
Although you can't see it, you know they are smiling
Each time someone shows that he cares.
Though her words are simple and few,
Listen, listen, she's calling to you --
"Feed the birds, tuppence a bag,

I fell asleep listening that song last night. Julie Andrews wrote those lyrics, and sang them. That's pretty cool, if I do say so myself. Julie Andrews is my hero. She was recently made a "Dame" in England. Not sure exactly what tha means, but I think it's the women's form of being knighted. That would be really cool, I think, to be knighted by the Queen of England. America doesn't have anything like that- to acknowlegde outstanding people. There was Sir Francis Drake (the pirate-like defender of England from the Spanish Armada) and Sir Sean Connery (a British actor, famous for his roles as James Bond) Two very different, very talented people. Of course, we don't have a queen (or king) either, because we're stuck on democracy. Which is a good thing. It's just cool to have a symbolic royalty, I think. Yep Yep. Have a LOVELY, MARVOLOUS, FRIVOLOUS weekend! =)

** humming my own little tune at 6:07:00 PM




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