March 28, 2004
For what it's worth,
It was worth all the while.
It's something unpredictable
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

I'M BACK!!! (applause, por favor) And almost 200 people have visited my site since January, which is utmostly exciting. Yep Yep. My vacation was truly amazing (well, some of it was amazing. Other parts of it were the opposite). SO, you get a list! (ohhh boy! I love lists!)

  1. Airports always amuse me, as long as the flight isn't delayed, so GOING to Phoenix was fun, got to ride DIA's shuttle, and go up several escalators, and we saw Tory Webster- my swimming friend.
  2. Scottsdale was really fun- it was in the 90s the whole time we were there. We went swimming in the neighborhood pool(which we usually had to ourselves), we played tennis, we collected golf balls in the pond next to their house (Grandpa lives on a golf course- the balls don't just randomly spawn)
  3. We went to a Cubs game. It was quite fun- for the first few innings. We saw Barry Bonds hit a 3-run homer, Sammy Sosa made several marvelous appearences, it was good fun. And I got a pretzel.
  4. GRAND CANYON! The best part of the trip. I'll post pictures, now that Ilana kindly told me how.
    • We first got there Wednesday afternoon- and we were just driving along, and suddenly BAM!, there it was. Very impressive. On Wed. we went on an 2 hour, 3 mile hike on the Kaibab trail. It was fun.
    • On Thursday, we went on a 4.5 hour, 6 mile hike on the Grandview trail. That was the highlight of the whole trip. The canyon is so impressive, and we literally hiked down sheer rock cliffs. Kinda scary, but really fun.
    • For dinner we went to this linolieum (sp?) table, order at the counter place called (I'm serious) We Cook Pizza and Pasta . It was hilarious.
    • Friday morning we woke up at 5:45 and went to see the sun rise over the canyon. It was very cool, temperature-wise. And scenery-wise, but it was kinda cloudy, so the sun came up, and then it went behind clouds, so you couldn't really appreciate the sun hitting the canyon at full force. But it was still worth it.
    • Then we went back to Scottsdale to our grandparents house.
  5. Our Aunt (Mom's younger sister) arrived while we were in the canyon- so it was fun to see her for a day and a half. She's a modern dancer in NYC.
  6. Granmma planned this gigantic (19 people) dinner with all of her relatives. Angie and I were the youngest by 15 years (and then it was our aunt, and then our parents, and the next person was 30 years older then THEM) Angie and I were given permission to hide away for most of the dinner. Then my dad started calling one of them the "Strawberry Snatcher" and I couldn't figure out why...
  7. We went miniature golfing with Grandma, and Aunt Katy, and Mom, and Angie and I. I got to drive Grandpa's red convertible there. It was super fun. (Both the golfing and the driving) I got 2nd place behind little sis.

That was about it. The Phoenix airport wasn't fun b/c we had to wait for our flight for an extra 45 minutes, and we had already gotten there a hour too early. MEH. But it was fun. Over and Out

** humming my own little tune at 11:11:00 AM




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