March 08, 2004
Previously on the Kay 'n Bee's Movie Review (That's how they start West Wing, except it's West Wing instead of Kay 'n Bee's.... Yeah)HI! Kay 'n Bee just saw Hidalgo starring Viggo Mortensen, and it was very good. And here is our review.
Kay-Lots of action, looked like an Indian Jones movie- especially Raiders of the Lost Ark. Very nicely done
Bee-I, too, liked it. The story was about an American Cowboy in the Middle East in a 3,000 mile horse race. Frank Herbert's (Viggo Mortensen) dad was in the calvary and mother was an indian. The movie spent a fair amount of time on Frank's "hidden"face- his Indian hertitage. I liked that part, but at some points it was a little over done.
Kay-Like the metaphor between him and an Arabic women who couldn't show her face?

So, now we continue
KAY- If you liked Indian Jones, then this is a movie for you
Bee- I second that opinion. With the horses and the bad-guys without any character development, the action and the girls...
Kay- Although Frank wasn't as caught up with ladies as Indy was, same kinda picture
Bee-...and the desert-scenery, and the random people showing up to help him....
Kay- There were lots of random people. People who showed up and Frank helped them, then they helped Fred.
Bee- But they did help, and helped in interesting ways, too.
Kay- I'm not saying that's a bad thing
Bee- You sure sounded like it
Kay- Well SORRY (especially to that random guy who was killed for Frank's sake)
Bee- You should be!

** humming my own little tune at 5:58:00 PM




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