March 30, 2004
Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea
And froliced in the autumn mist, In a land called Honalee.
Little Jackie Paper, he loved that dragon puff
And brought him string and sealing wax and other fancy stuff
NO! WRONG! Stop thinking that right this very instant. This lovely song is about a dragon and his friend, and how they are separated because Jackie grows up. It is a very touching song and has nothing IN THE WORLD to do with pot. No way,shape or form. Thank you.

This summer I'm taking up a new hobby. Playing the guitar! I'm going to learn, and I'll play all sorts of cool songs- anything I want. And then I'll bring it on camping trips and play around the campfire. I think that it'll be fun. I'm excited. I'm excited for summer in general, actually. Spring Break in Phoenix was a taste of summer- tennis, swimming, just hanging out. It was fun. But now I'm ready for the REAL McCOY. Yesssiree.

I was randomly browsing blogs the other day, and I came along this post. I think that this guy is great. To quote Emily "I'd marry him" Actually, I wouldn't, unless he is in life what he is one paper. And he's (if, indeed, it is a he) probably several years older than me. But you should read this POST

** humming my own little tune at 5:57:00 PM




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