April 17, 2004
Let's go fly a kite, up to the highest hight
Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring
Up through the atmosphere
Up where the air is clear
Oh, let's go fly a kite
It is truly a spring day today. The grass has transformed into a green blanket, the bird have returned from Mexico, and I want to go on a bike ride. HOORAY! Flying a kite wouldn't be bad, either, expect it's not windy. Angie's wearing a crown of dandilions, Mom's gardening, Dad's on a bike ride already. It's a fun day. Only a four day school week next week. I'm excited.
My buddy Sarah didn't win her election yesterday. I thought for sure she would win. Alas, the red-headed, girl-friend of a football player won instead of the calculus-doing, violin playing, red-headed friend. She was quite upset. Me too. Bummer.
ALAS! My mother just came in and wants to take me on errands... NOOOOOO! I refuse. Wish me luck... I underestimate the power of the darkside....I love Star Wars.

** humming my own little tune at 10:39:00 AM




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