April 01, 2004
Like Steve McQueen
All I need's a fast machine
I'm gonna make it all right
Like Steve McQueen
Underneath your radar screen
We had a tennis match today, in which I didn't get to play, because of my coach is so disorganized, an it's just down right frustrating. I classify most of my days as "good". Even on days that nothing good happens, the day is still good, because nothing bad happened. I don't think today meets my average day. It was certainly not a "bad" day, but it's wasn't good, either. One of my friends is all stressed out, all the time, because of her other friends, and I don't know how I can help, because she is very determined to manage it all by herself. But every day in math class she's on the verge of tears, and I feel so bad. Pobrecita. Then, I ate lunch with one of my best friends, which was fun, but I don't really get paid attention to in that group of kids. I don't know, my day was just a disapointment overall. Mr. Kennedy was mad at us, for I don't know what reason, but I like to know WHY he's mad, so I can avoid the touchy subject. mehh. Tomorrow's Friday, though, so I'm happy. Kinda
Live Long and Prosper

** humming my own little tune at 6:47:00 PM




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