April 09, 2004
Oh, what a beautiful morning
Oh, what a beautiful day
I've got a beautiful feeling
Everything's going my way...
Well, in case you were confused- it's not morning, I would hardley call this rainy/snowy/gray weather "beautiful" (although I do like it quite a lot, the SONG meant "beautiful" as in sunny)and everything didn't go my way today, but that's okay, I didn't expect it to. Afterall, if everything went my way, life would be quite boring (for me, for everyone else it would be a rat-race. But probably not, because I would want them to be happy, so they would be) Anyway! The real reason I wrote that song was it was stuck in my head (no, really?) the entire day since I used it in my lead in the feature article I was writing for journalism. The article was about sleep disorders. (And now you're thinking..."What the HECK does a song from Oklahoma have to do with sleep disorders. And I say..."Well, if you have a sleep disorder, then you DON'T normally spring out of bed at 6:12 singing "Oh, what a beautiful morning". Do ya now? No) NOW THAT WE'VE GOT THAT SETTLED

Ella Enchanted came out today. I'm utlra excited to go and see it tomorrow. I know that it's not a lot like the book, but that doesn't bother me. The book was wonderful, fabulous beyond reason, but that doesn't mean that the movie-that-is-nothing-like-it is bad, right? There's no logic. Besides, the Denver Post reviews said that it was a mix between The Princess Bride(which I am READING right now),Shrek,Cinderella, and Hamlet(which Ilana quoted in her article about sleep-disorders "To sleep, perchance to dream" I knew it was from Hamlet, but she thought it was from The Tempest.) So Ella Enchanted should be good and entertaining. I'm excited.

It was raining/snowing mucho today. YEAH! If April showers bring May flowers, then what do Mayflowers bring? Please, please, please tell me you've heard this joke before. B/c if you haven't, you definitely need to go back to 5th grade. I told it several times this week and like 3 people had heard it before. Talk about a deprived generation. Mayflowers bring PILGRIMS. Hardeeharharhar

** humming my own little tune at 5:25:00 PM




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