Well, I'll bet you I'm gonna be a big star
Might win an Oscar you can never tell
The movies gonna make me a big star
'Cause I can plat the part so well
I never knew that was a Beatles song. Huh. Curious and curiouser. Angie and I were at the Farmer's market today- and we witnessed a series of events that would make a WONDERFUL short film. TOo bad we didn't have our video camera with us. So, here it is....Setting: Outdoor theater, sunny spring day. In the background some Tchaikovsky waltz is playing. Not very much background talking.
On the stage about 10 preteen girls are taking a ballet lesson. The istructor is shorter than most of them, but it obviously better. And certain points, all the girls laugh simutaneously. The dancers aren't matching, but they are all dressed to dance (leotards, etc.) CAMERA SWEEPS TO THE AUDIENCE Four girls (different ages between 3 and 5) are jumping from one stone bench to the next, obviously enjoying the dancing, because the stop and stare every once and a while. The girls are 1) Mini-Nalani- obviously the leader 2) Blue-shirt- second in command, probably the eldest 3) Purple-gown, the littlest/youngest, very cute, 4) Shorty- follower of Nalani and Blue, not very well characterized... We watch them walk away CAMERA sweeps to right of stage
A little girl with a big pink baseball hat, Pink, is dancing a few rows down from her parents. She has a already-seeded dandilion and is spinning and dancing and very talented. Posse returns, and walks past Pink. Pinkfollows them for a little bit (Nalani seems to be ignoring her, but Blue asks where Pink got the dandilion) Pink proudly shows her, and then tags along. They seem to accept her, and the 5-kid posse now all dance to the waltz.
You can see teen dancers behind them, and it's very artistic looking, overall =)
Blue falls off the stone step, and starts crying. All the others crowd around her, and Nalani runs off the screen (apparently looking for her parents) Purple gown leaves a few seconds afterward, (thinking that she will help find the parents) Shorty and Pink stay with Blue. Nalani returns with a parents, and Purple sprints to keep up with them. As soon as Parent arrives, Blue stops crying. Pink's dad introduces himself to Nalani's parent, then takes reluctant (but not crying) Pink away. The now four-person posse all hold hands and skip (with their parent in tow) away. CAMERA follows posse for a while, then cuts back to Blondie Pink is being strapped into her stroller, her hat is taken off, and her yellow locks fall around her face.