April 07, 2004
When there's a smile in your heart
There's no better time to start
Think of all the joy you'll find
When you leave the world behind
And bid your cares good-bye
You can fly! You can fly! You can fly!
Good 'ol Peter Pan. He's my hero. Our tennis team has a match again Cherry Creek tomorrow. I hope that I play. I think that if I don't play I'll have to smack my coach. But that's another time and place. The other day, some "tennis girls" (imagine short SHORT skirts (w/out pockets, might I add) too small of shirts, blond (hate to be stereotype, but they are, tennis players) were bragging about how geeky they were. COME ON! They couldn't be geeks if they tried. They said they were a "geek at heart". Bah! I wanted to attack them with the pencil behind my ear and bring them to their senses with a few bouts of technobabble. But it made me giggle in side. In no sense am I am hard-core-geek, but I certainly am much more so then these girls. At least I know what the difference between Java and Basic computer programming. Those wanna-bes. =)
After practice this evening, I was walking down the hall, and my buddy Ella was sitting on the floor practicing her lines for
1984, our school play. This is how the conversation went.....
Ella- Hi Kristen!
Courtney- Hi! I met you at the movies!
Me- Yes, we did! Sorry, I forget your name.
Courtney- It's Courtney. Your's is...?
Me- Kristen
We shake hands
Ella-Angie just came by here, and Courtney said "I saw you at the movies" and Angie was like "uhhh". So we thought it was you.
Courtney- And then you appeared to make us all understand
Me- That's my job!

Then everyone chatted aimlessly for about 30 seconds, then I swept myself away. I was called "Angie" 4 times today. I think it was a record. I always feel bad b/c the people who call me "Angie" are always slightly embarrassed, but I don't think that I could convince them I was Angie for very long, and then they would be even more embarrassed once they figured it out that I wasn't who they thought I was. Ahh, the horrible cycle of looking like your younger sister. Live Long and Propser!

** humming my own little tune at 6:39:00 PM




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