May 05, 2004
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this
The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
It's 11:17 and I'm at my house, drinking lemonade with ice, writing on my blog. I should be at school, drinking warm Capri Suns, studying something. I should be studying something, now, too. The reason I'm at home is that I have 2 hours off on Wednesday- thanks to block days. I usually don't come home, but I decided to today. It is very nice. And I saw both Mr. and Mrs. Weigel while I was riding my bike home. Though I don't think that they knew who I was. Oh well, I was going very fast, like a BLUR.
That says "blur" if you can't read it. Yepyep. NOW I am going to go study something. history, most likely.

** humming my own little tune at 11:20:00 AM




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