May 01, 2004
Everywhere we go
People want to know
Who we are
Where we come from
So, we tell them
We are the Tigers
We are the Tigers....
That was in a frosted flakes comercial I just saw on TV. It was actually a very good commercial, from my amatuer point of view. They had different sports teams doing different drills and such, and all of them singing the song above. Very touching =)
    Good Names for Bands
  1. Flying monkeys
  2. Soggy Cereal
  3. Let's Eat!!
  4. Excessive Exclamation Points
  5. Flaming Eyeballs
  6. Buffalo Wings
  7. 5 C's In A Row
  8. Chain Ring
  9. Biology Scandal
Feel free to add on.

** humming my own little tune at 6:11:00 PM




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