May 14, 2004
The second star to the right
Shines with a light that's rare
And if it's Never Land you need
It's light will lead you there

This is salmon colored font. I like salmon. So does Ella and Emily. The Nichols, however, are usually anti-fish, but Angie really likes it, too. So that's 3 out of 5. Not bad. Although the font may not look salmon on this background. I don't know. I will find out, soon enough, I guess, as soon as I am done writing this. Yep.

I got a huge compliment yesterday. It made me very happy. There are only of few compliments that make you really really happy, and they have to fulfill all of the following
  1. Meant in all honesty (obviously)
  2. The complimentee must respect the complimenter
  3. It must be true
  4. It must be out of the ordinary type of compliment
NOW, I'm not saying any other kind of compliment isn't very nice. Lots of people compliment me every day, saying everything from "I like your shirt" or "You're very springy (as in the season)" to "You're the most un-boring person I've even known". Quite a variety. However, they aren't the lift-you-off-your-feet kind of compliment.

You know, I haven't decided what I'm going to be when I grow up. I've wanted to be a teacher since forever, and I still think that would be great, but I don't know what age group anymore, and I don't know if I want to do something else first. Like biology, or authoring, or directing. I don't know. I have, however, decided who I want to be LIKE when I grow up. I want to
  1. Teach like Mrs. Cady and Mrs. Heinz
  2. Smile like Mrs. Mierzejewski
  3. Care like Mrs. Rundell (notice a theme?)
  4. Read like Erica
  5. Learn like Dad
  6. Ride my bike like Lance Armstrong
  7. Ski like Picabo Street
  8. Be as creative as Jean
  9. Be as powerful as Alice and Nick
  10. Hug like Leah
  11. Be as funny as Mr. Ellis when he's funny
  12. Be as determined as Jesse
  13. Be as neat (as in "cool", not as in "tidy") as Tiffany
  14. Sing like Julie Andrews
Okay, maybe that last one isn't very realistic. =) Maybe trying to be all the above isn't very realistice, either, but I'll try. Maybe I'll end up as a mass of confusion and chaos. Not that that's a bad thing, though.....
Live Long and Prosper

** humming my own little tune at 4:44:00 PM




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