June 18, 2004
All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places
Worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going no where
Going no where
STILL RAINING! Holy Moley. Meadows has been dead (literally) for three days straight. I've gone insane- nearly. Luckily, today I had to do my little buddy present, so that took a while. Swim practice was NOT cancelled last night- and it was great fun. I'm seriously thinking about hiring Jinger as my personal ice-cream-flavor-picker-outer, then she could get me great ice creams, AND she wouldn't have to move to Georgia. (By the way, we had ice cream after practice as a bribe to get people there, that's how swimming jumped to ice cream, in case you were curious...)

Jinger drove Angie and I home from swimming last night because it was snowing, and we weren't really up for the 5-minute trek home. The kids that she babysits go to "Friends School" which is a hideously colored building fairly close to my house. She said that every night for homework, these kids had a few questions which were like "Describe a feeling you had today which your conscience told you was bad". Poor kids, they're all going to be psychiatrists or going to GO to psychiatrists. (at least they'll be good at expressing their emotions, right?) I think it's hilarious.

Swim practice WAS cancelled this morning, though. It was a bummer. I didn't know what to do with myself. Angie and I were the first ones there, and so we went to the front door to let people in, but there was the SIGN OF DEATH which said something to the effect of "Swim practice for all age groups is cancelled Friday, June 18th). It was a bummer. I directed traffic for a while, telling everyone that it was cancelled, while Angie helped Chris look for a shoe he lost last night. Even Jinger came. I think it's funny that coaches don't comunicate with eachother. She seemed quite suprised it was canceled. I certainly was.

** humming my own little tune at 3:44:00 PM




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