June 08, 2004
Annie Banannie
She kicks fannie
Dangerous with sword and knife
Learned her skills in that pastlife
Never will you outfox her
She's as good as old Joxer
Aa-ah! I'm Annie, I'm Annie the Mighty!
I have finally found the purpose of my life. You'll never guess what it is... nope never ever ever ever. But I'm GOING TO MAKE YOU GUESS ANYWAY! Bwahahahahaha
    Purpose of Kristen's Existence
  1. Sunkist orange sodas
  2. Firecracker popsicles
  3. Harry Potter movies
  4. Swim practice
  5. Online RPGs
  6. Cheerios
  7. Black visors that say CHAMP on them
  8. Summer reading
  9. Bike rides
  10. Green watermelon-looking beachballs
  11. Xena: Warrior Princess reruns
  12. Getting letters in the mail
Well, I really like a lot of those things. Really Really like them. But only one is the sole reason for my existance. Fell free to guess.

** humming my own little tune at 5:03:00 PM




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