June 02, 2004
Every step I take
Every move I make
Every single day
Everytime I pray
I'll be missing you
That song is kinda a "stalker song" as Angie and Jesse like to say. But not that part. In the beginning it's "I'll be watching you" instead of "I'll be missing you". But "whatev" as Steph Fellows would say. I said tghat last post, didn't I? Sorry I'm stealing your phrase, Steph, but impression is the highest form of compliment, doncha know?

Well, today was the second to last day of school, and it was somewhat bittersweet. Not as much as it was in 1st and 2nd and 4th and 5th (especially) and 8th (which was the worst last day of school in my history), because summer-fever gets worse every year. But I do have fab ulous teachers this year, and It's a butmmer that I won't have mmost of the next year, and even the ones that weren't great, they still had their moments. Mrs. Balboa's fencing stance at the chalkboard, Mr. Harig's hilarious stories and "appetizers", Coach Pol's wacky dreams about me crashing on a bike. Then there are the teachers whose classes I will miss. Mr. Ellis's history class (please, oh please please please let me have him next year....) Mr. Kennedy's English (After all, I've had him for 2 years in a row during 8th period. He's a crazy old man, but you hafta love him) and, of course, Biology. Who couldn't miss Mrs. Cady and her fabulous class, contagious smile (hey, I think she smiles more that ME, and that's saying something), her enthusiasm? She's like those middle school teachers whom I had so much trouble leaving in 8th grade. AHHHH. But, it is summer, which, I'm afraid, overrides nearly all of my regret of leaving. SUMMER. To quote Steph again... "I love sumer" And that's not a misspelling, that's the way it is. Over and Out!

** humming my own little tune at 5:18:00 PM




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