June 27, 2004
Make new friends, but keep the old One is silver and the other is gold A circle is round, it has no end That's how long I want to be your friend Ahh, kindergarten, what a great time. However, now is good too. This evening, at exactly 6:30, considering there will be no delays or cancellations, I will be on my way to visit two very old friends, who are very much worth their weight in gold/silver. (notice the lovely collage I made during all those dreadfully rainy days last week.) It was kinda fun, I found out the fabulous advantages to Adobe Photodeluxe. A very good program, I highly recommend it. Anyway, I hope that everyone has a fabulous two weeks, I probably won't be posting. Toots!
** humming my own little tune at 11:17:00 AM