June 04, 2004
Miracle people with marvelous hair
and a knack to do anything
better than anyone
I got a home with electrical air
and I live in a world
smaller than any one
If I could whistle, I would whistle that song, better than anyone, I got some genes that can't do anything, like rolling of the tongue, worse than anyone. (the above is to be sung to "New Frontier" by Counting Crows, whose real lyrics are above.) Yeah. I had a good first-day-of-summer. See over there <-- it says "0 days until school's out. Yep, well, it's true. I should probably get rid of that counter. I will eventually. Yesterday was Dad's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FATHER! I can't tell you what I got him because he doesn't know yet. Because yesterday was the last day of school. And he was really busy with 8th grade graduation and such. Angie got to go to CHOICE and see the 8th grade graduation. I was jealous. But I got to go to Meadows-day with them. That was fun. ahhh, CHOICE, what fun times.

OOHH, my dad is watching "Walking with Dinosaurs" a TV-series with very cool special effects with dinos. Mom got to go to Cirque de Solei yesterday. She had VIP tickets. I didn't get to go, because only Mom was invited. But I must be off. Two posts in one day. Wow- you can tell it's summer, can't you?

** humming my own little tune at 5:58:00 PM




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