June 21, 2004
Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day
Kristen and Angie want to play
Rain, rain, GO AWAY!
The sun was out yesterday. And it was in the 70s. And I got to play tennis for three hours. Angie and I went to the pool. I had to put on sunscreen. IT WAS AMAZING! (Yes, this post is about rain, too). Saturday it was better, too. The sun came out for the last 200 free relay. It was fun. I went a 26.9. I was happy. The swim meet was good, overall. The air was too cold, and the water was too hot, but I swam fairly fast, anyway. AND I didn't get disqualified in the IM. But now it's raining again. Becca just got back from California, so she was miserable because it was SUNNY in CA. Probably not as miserable as the rest of us who had seen sunlight yesterday and weren't looking forward to another several days stuck in gray. It's like in The Neverending Story when the NOTHING is gobbling up the world. The nothingness of gray.

And today is the soltice and the first day of SUMMER! Happy Summer.

** humming my own little tune at 9:39:00 AM




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