June 17, 2004
Raindrops are falling on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red
Crying's not for me
Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
RAIN! RAIN in the middle of June for 2 days straight! That's craziness. It's APRIL showers, not JUNE showers. BAH! Not that I'm complaining, I kinda like the rain. It's very relaxing. But swim practice is cancelled and I'm not very happy about it. Not at all. HARRUMPH! Alas, woe is me. Heck, I'm even wearing long pants and a long sleeve shirt. IT'S JUNE! I'm supposed to be in my swim suit at the pool hanging out in the sun. But no, the pool has been closed during the day. We had swim practice yesterday, and the pool was warm, but the coaches nearly froze on the deck. But today it is cancelled. HARRUMPH squared. Plus, when it's raining, it's hard to do much outside (e.g. bike ride, swim, play Groundies, climb a tree, race corks down the river...). Oh dear, Angie just broke out a 1000-piece puzzle. Houston, we have a problem......

** humming my own little tune at 3:35:00 PM




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