When I grow up, I wanna work at Alfalfa's
Where the cheese is dairy free
A birkenstocks, spandex, necktie, patchouli grocery
I'll have a job, picking through the produce- no pesticides for me!
I'll be a working modern income socially conscience Boulder hippie
Yeah Leftover Salmon! What a good song. It's funny, ain't it. See, my grammer is already deteriorating after one day of no school. I say to thee, what a pity is truly is. HAHAHA I crack myself up.
I just got a very strange phone call from "Eileen" from "up the road at 345". Huh. She's on to me, I know it. This "Eileen", she must be a dropa from the mountains between Tibet and China. Kathleen told me about them. Interesting. I think I should know more about UFOs and aliens than I do. It would be a) slightly interesting b)slightly amusing and c)good in case I ever needed to overthrow a government. HAHAHA That's the second time I've cracked myself up.