July 22, 2004
Estoy aqui quierendote,
Entre fotos y cuandernos
Entre cosas y recuerdos
Eue no puedo comprender
That's the only Spanish song I know, and I hardley even know it. Correction- I know La Cucaracha. I used to, at least. But that lovely "Estoy Aqui" song gets stuck in my head. And Angie had a mini temper tantrum 'cause I got it stuck in her head. Sorry Ang! Alas.

Tonight we're going to see Cabaret at the Boulder Dinner Theater. I'm very very excited. I love  BDT! YEAH! I'm going with my parents and Angie and the Mehos's and the Irvin's and the Nazareni parents. They're not letting Maggie Naz go, because Cabaret has thematic elements they don't want her to see. That's what my dad told me, at least. I'm very excited. Did I already say that? Of course I did. I'm into repeating myself recently.

The Tour was very exciting today, too. Kinda. I'm one for the under-dogs and was hoping that Ulrich would attack and gain a few seconds on Lancelot. It just didn't seem to work. I hope Ullrich gets on the podium at least. That's my new goal, now that Tyler is gone forever. =(       Of cours, even at the sprint finish, Lance looked great. Kloden was "worked" as Jinger said. Of course, according to her, so was Floyd Landis and Carlos Sastre and Virenque and Christophe Moreau. "Ohh, he got worked" was her phrase-of-the-day. It made me laugh. However, soon Jinger, like Tyler Hamilton, will be gone forever. Not because she's a failure to human-kind (like SOME I could mention, (no offense, Tyler)) but because just the opposite.  Because in just a few short months (summer months are shorter than winter months) she made a huge impression- and now she's  moving away........ I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE LEAVE!

** humming my own little tune at 1:10:00 PM




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