If you brought me diamonds, If you brought me pearls, If you brought me roses Like some other gents Might bring to other girls, It couldn't please me more Than the gift I see; A pineapple for me.
Sunday morning. How relaxing. Even in the summer weekends are more laid-back than the rest of the week. However, I do believe I have several tennis matches today. They were all cancelled last week because of RAIN. But it's sunny right now, not warm, but sunny.
I was talking to the dentist's assistant as I got my teeth cleaned the other day (she was doing the talking, I was doing the incomprehensible noises). She talked about "my generation" and "your generation". What's the definition of a generation? Is someone who's 20 in my generation? How about a ten-year-old? It's quite confusing. My parents are baby-boomers, but my 30-year-old-aunt is a Generation X-er. I think. My generation doesn't have a name, yet. I hope it's something better than "baby-boomers"...=)