August 15, 2004
Give life and animation to those noble games!
Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to the victors
In the race and in the strife!
Create in our breasts, hearts of steel!
That's the olympic hymn, it is. It's very, ummm,....catchy...? Anyway, here's my highlight of this morning and yesterday in PICTURES

Ian Thorpe wins the 400 freestyle! Yeah!

Paolo Bettini wins the road race. That's just dandy. It was nice to see him back in action.

Women's road race. US had some pretty strong riders....

But an Aussie, Sara Carrigan, takes the gold. I like Australians. Both Australia and USA have 8 medals- but they have 3 more golds than we do....

** humming my own little tune at 4:55:00 PM




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