August 28, 2004
I am Supergirl
And I'm here to save the world
But I wanna know
Who's gonna save me
Conversations with Margo Irvin are very therapeutic. No matter how bored or sad or cocky or rotten I feel, talking with my dear buddy can always make me feel better. You know, we can just talk- not about anything imparticular. We laugh when we start talking simultaneously, we don't push anything we don't agree on, and the silences are by no means awkward. As Dave Tyson Gentry said "True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable." See, that's what I call a convinent quote. =) I have lots of friends. Talking to Jesse is fun- but we spend the whole time catching up on eachother's lives- which I don't have to do with Margo- I see her everyday. And Emily W- when we talk on the phone- it's her talking, most of the time, and me inserting phrases. She's very entertaining, Miss Weigel is, but I don't say much. And Ella and Ellen- they're fun to talk to- but we talk about everything- most conversations aren't anything to comment on. But Margot and I are both so busy, and we hardly ever have time to chat- but when we do- it makes me happy. It reminds me that things can change and still be okay. I can wear my self-tie-died t-shirts and rolled jeans, and she can wear her complicated and creative outfits that contain several shirts and ballet shoes- and we'll still get along. We can swing at Eisenhower and laugh about 3rd grade or compare chemistry teachers. She is truly a fabulous friend.

** humming my own little tune at 8:21:00 PM




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