I don't want to be the one The battles always choose 'cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused
I'm in a vicious circle of recognizing people who aren't really that person. I "saw" my 8th grade teacher 3 times on a bike ride the other day. I thought I saw my geometry teacher while walking my dog this morning. I "see" my neighbors on the other side of town, I recognize cars which belong to someone I know, when really they're just cars. It's very strange. It's this living-in-the-past thing. I don't really get it....
I really want to see the movie Garden State. But I don't think I'll be able to until it comes out on DVD. It's rated "R", which is okay, but it's also not playing in Boulder, or Louisville, or Lafayette, so I'm in trouble. That's a bummer. My parents would frown on going to Denver to see a 2 hour long movie. I would too, actually, except that this movie looks good. It has Natalie Portman in it. She's my hero. One of my heroes, I should say.