August 29, 2004
I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I had a very strange, but very real dream last night. I dream a lot- but I usually don't remember them if I don't tell somebody or write them down. This one, though, was stuck with me. I dreamt......(fade into dream.....)
Alexa Mehos, Angie and I were going to see Spy Kids 3 in the theaters. The movie started at 7:30, and it was 3 hours long (according to Alexa). We were just about to leave at 6:30, when Alexa's mom asked us if we had had dinner yet. We hadn't because it was only 6:30 and we had had a late lunch. So we decided to wait a little longer so my dad could make us omletes for dinner. While we were waiting DOZENS of other kids asked us if they could come with us to Spy Kids. Hally Roberts was there- Jenna England was too, our house was packed. And my parents decided to make us all dinner. I was AMAZED about how fast our parents served the 50 kids who were eating in our kitchen. It blew me away- it was faster than many cafeteria lines I had been in in my 11 years in public schools. Then I woke up. (fade into real life)

** humming my own little tune at 12:42:00 PM




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